Breckenridge’s Struggles: Underperforming Among Ski Towns

Breckenridge’s Struggles: Underperforming Among Ski Towns

When looking at the chart above it is clear that Breckenridge is substantially underperforming other ski towns in Colorado.  Why has Breckenridge peaked and fallen while other ski towns hit a blip and powered higher?  What does this mean for ski real estate in...
Will ski real estate prices move higher later this year?

Will ski real estate prices move higher later this year?

It is crazy to talk about prices moving higher in Colorado’s high country while rates are staying double their lows.  Why is ski real estate poised to head higher despite everything else going on in the economy?  What is the key driver to watch for ski real estate? ...
Will nightly rentals be taxed as commercial properties in Colorado? Did it pass?

Will nightly rentals be taxed as commercial properties in Colorado? Did it pass?

Property taxes on short-term rental properties in Colorado would more than triple under a bill drafted by state lawmakers that comes as communities from Durango to Denver grapple with surging numbers of vacation rentals.  What is in the new proposal?  How will this...
New affordable housing rule, CO has first right of refusal on your property

New affordable housing rule, CO has first right of refusal on your property

There is yet another proposal in the statehouse on affordable housing.  This new bill would allow governments the first right of refusal on basically any multifamily property and require notice to the government of any intent to sell prior to listing with huge fines...
Colorado insurance premiums up 30%, State farm leaves California, 12% drop in values, is CO next?

Colorado insurance premiums up 30%, State farm leaves California, 12% drop in values, is CO next?

Just like in California, Colorado recently passed a bill to create a statewide insurance plan to write insurance policies in high risk areas.  Why are most major insurers now leaving California?  What does this mean for the future of property insurance in Colorado?...
Will Colorado ski town buyers pay realtors 70k upfront?      

Will Colorado ski town buyers pay realtors 70k upfront?      

The recent settlement by the national association of realtors will have an outsize impact on Colorado ski towns.  Will prospective buyers pony up 70k to pay their buyers agent based on the median home price in Summit County?  What does the recent settlement mean for...