2024 Colorado elections, what does this mean for you and your real estate

2024 Colorado elections, what does this mean for you and your real estate

No doubt the presidential election was the most talked about in history, but the huge changes in Colorado are even more profound and will have major impacts on your daily life and wallet.     What initiatives do you need to know about that will impact your wallet and...
60% Surge in Denver Eviction Filings – Here’s Why

60% Surge in Denver Eviction Filings – Here’s Why

  In April, Denver County recorded the largest number of eviction filings in one single month. There were 1,665 eviction filings, compared to 1,038 in April 2023 and 576 in April 2022.   Why the sudden huge jump in eviction filings?  Is this a trend or just a...
New Colorado property tax bill; will you actually save money

New Colorado property tax bill; will you actually save money

In the waning hours of the legislative session, a grand tax bill reduction was introduced to supposedly offset the 40-50% increases in the last tax cycle. The headlines are everywhere “Bipartisan bill would bring long-term property tax relief for Colorado homeowners”....
Big election loss in Steamboat: huge changes in ski town real estate  

Big election loss in Steamboat: huge changes in ski town real estate  

  Steamboat voters reject a 24 million dollar donation for a new affordable housing project that was slated to be the largest in the state.  Why did Steamboat walk away from the project?  Why is this rejection important for other mountain communities and what does...
New affordable housing rule, CO has first right of refusal on your property

New affordable housing rule, CO has first right of refusal on your property

There is yet another proposal in the statehouse on affordable housing.  This new bill would allow governments the first right of refusal on basically any multifamily property and require notice to the government of any intent to sell prior to listing with huge fines...