by Glen Weinberg | Mar 17, 2025 | 2025 Colorado real estate predictions, Breckenridge, CO hard money, Colorado commercial real estate, Colorado Foreclosures, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado hard money loans, Colorado private lender, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Ski real estate, Colorado springs hard money, Condo Lending, Crested butte hard money, Denver Private Lenders, Glenwood Springs Hard money, Marijuana lending
When you look at the chart above of single family homes, there is a major outlier in red. What is happening in Colorado Springs? Is Colorado Springs a warning for real estate throughout Colorado. On the flip side look at Glenwood Springs (orange) it is...
by Glen Weinberg | Feb 10, 2025 | Breckenridge, CO hard money, Colorado commercial real estate, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado hard money loans, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Rent Control, Condo Lending, Denver Private Lenders, Marijuana lending
It is crazy that in Colorado we should be looking at a third world country on how to solve our affordable housing crisis. Is Colorado making the same mistakes as Argentina made in the past? What did Argentina learn that drastically lowered rental prices and increased...
by Glen Weinberg | Feb 3, 2025 | Alterra (Ikon pass) ski real estate, Breckenridge, Breckenridge hard money, CO hard money, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado hard money loans, Colorado private lender, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Realtor, Copper Mountain Hard Money, Steamboat hard money, Summit county hard money lender
The Colorado Rocky Mountains were blessed with abundant snow over the holiday season and unfortunately ski traffic was also brimming with accidents snarling traffic throughout the high country. At one point I saw i70 shut down an entire day leading to 90...
by Glen Weinberg | Dec 16, 2024 | Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado hard money loans, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado real estate prices, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Realtor, Colorado residential property values
I continue to hear that Colorado has a huge shortage of housing, at the same time Colorado just reached a milestone where current inventory handily surpassed prepandemic levels. What do the 6 states have in common with the biggest increases in inventory? What does...
by Glen Weinberg | Sep 16, 2024 | Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado property tax appeal, Colorado property taxes, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado real estate prices, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado taxes
Will Colorado property owners actually see real property tax relief? Property owners are fed up with the run away increases in Colorado property taxes and yet the legislature has done very little. The governor and legislature blinked from the threat at the ballot...
by Glen Weinberg | Jun 17, 2024 | Colorado Hard Money, Colorado hard money lender, Colorado hard money loans, Colorado Living, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado real estate prices, Colorado real estate trends, Colorado Ski real estate
After stunning defeats last year, the Colorado governor and legislature have broken apart the large bill into smaller parts that have each passed. Two new land use bills passed that take away local government control and hand it to the state of Colorado. The new...