Crested Butte ski resort (Gunnison) kicks out 2nd homeowners.

Crested Butte ski resort (Gunnison) kicks out 2nd homeowners.

Gunnison county, home to Crested Butte ski resort, issued an order banning non resident visitors and homeowners from remaining in the county during the pandemic.  This is the first city in Colorado and possibly the country to ban property owners.  Furthermore, Clear...
Ski industry loses 2 billion, Vail resorts stock drops 45%

Ski industry loses 2 billion, Vail resorts stock drops 45%

We are still Lending!  Do you know where I took this picture?  It is amazing how quickly fortunes have changed, less than a month ago Vail resorts stock peaked, yet over the course of a few weeks Vail lost over $200 million and its stock dropped 42% while the industry...
2020 updated Colorado  Real Estate Market predictions: Coronavirus update

2020 updated Colorado Real Estate Market predictions: Coronavirus update

  We are still lending. First, I want to give a hats of to these folks for their creativity, they took their bikes down a black run. This pic is the only time I saw them upright from top to bottom! I hate to update predictions only three months into the year, but...
All Colorado resorts close, Breckenridge & Telluride turn off the lights; Real Estate?

All Colorado resorts close, Breckenridge & Telluride turn off the lights; Real Estate?

  First, I hope each of you and your family are doing well in these challenging times.  Above is a pic of my new office, I’m doing my part to be socially distant 😊 (do you know which mountain this is at?)   The coronavirus is rapidly impacting the...