Closing volumes plummet in Denver, did they really?

Closing volumes plummet in Denver, did they really?

  I’ve heard from every realtor that 2024 was a tough year in Colorado, interest rates were high and closing volumes plummeted, look at the chart above of Denver it tells a much different story, but is that the whole story.  Are volumes actually down regardless...
Which Colorado ski town is the best 2025 investment?

Which Colorado ski town is the best 2025 investment?

As I predicted, we are starting to see some big changes in Colorado ski real estate.  Even as prices in many markets throughout the country are staying flat, some Colorado ski real estate is still increasing while others are starting to correct.  What is causing the...
6 CO ski towns rentals effect on estate

6 CO ski towns rentals effect on estate

Voters in Steamboat Springs, Aspen, Dillon, Glenwood Springs, Carbondale, and Summit County will all decide whether to impose additional taxes, with at least part of those funds in each municipality going to support affordable housing. What are the new short term...
Do you know Colorado ski real estate, take a quick quiz

Do you know Colorado ski real estate, take a quick quiz

It is amazing since the pandemic it seems everyone has had way too much time to watch YouTube and Instagram and are now experts on everything including Colorado ski real estate.  Unfortunately ski real estate is not that simple.  Look at the picture above, can you...
Will ski real estate prices move higher later this year?

Will ski real estate prices move higher later this year?

It is crazy to talk about prices moving higher in Colorado’s high country while rates are staying double their lows.  Why is ski real estate poised to head higher despite everything else going on in the economy?  What is the key driver to watch for ski real estate? ...
What Colorado ski town is outperforming others : Which Colorado ski town is the best investment?

What Colorado ski town is outperforming others : Which Colorado ski town is the best investment?

As I predicted, we are starting to see some big changes in Colorado ski real estate.  Even as prices in many markets throughout the country are staying flat, some Colorado ski real estate is still increasing while others are starting to correct.  What is...