Colorado Hard Money Lending Guide: straight answers on CO hard money

by | Nov 29, 2010 | CO hard money, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Private Lending, Denver Hard Money, Denver hard money Lenders, Denver Private Lenders, Denver Private Lending

Fairview Lending: Colorado’s leading hard money lender has recently published a guide to Colorado hard money lending.  Below is a quick summary of the topics covered in the Colorado hard money lending guide.  The full guide can be found at our main site:  It is imperative that all borrowers and brokers review this information before engaging a Colorado hard money lender

Below is a list of the key topics discussed in the Colorado hard money lending guide:

After understanding the basics of hard money lenders, it is important to explore the details of the transaction. For example one needs to understand the total cost of a loan, how hard money loans differ from other loan products and where to find answers to frequently asked questions.

Finally, it is important to note that not all hard money lenders operate similarly. Hard money lenders are not typically heavily regulated and have quite a bit of freedom in how they conduct their operations. Below is a list of resources to ensure that you are not taken by an unscrupulous hard money lender.

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