Fairview is a direct Colorado hard money lender. We fund both residential and commercial loans. Below are a couple recent closings.

1) investment Single Family Home: Aurora, CO. Borrower had inherited the property. He owned it free and clear. Had some prior dings on credit due to lates, etc… Borrower needed 55k cash to put into his business. He was unable to get a conventional loan due to credit score. Borrower had tried getting a loan with countless other folks before locating Fairview. We committed, inspected the property, and closed the loan in a week and a half.

2) Commercial office Building: Denver, CO. Borrower in construction business. Borrower currently behind on taxes on building and also needed money to pay off creditor. Borrower able to negotiate a discount with creditor (40%) if he could pay cash within two weeks. Fairview was able to close the loan in less than two weeks, saving the borrower 40% on an outstanding lien. No appraisal was required since Fairview physically inspected the property and then put the transaction into closing. There were no fees to the borrower prior to closing. The borrower also received cash out at closing to take care of other business needs and provide working capital

As you can see from above, Fairview is in the business of making loans. We strictly lend our own money and are locally based. We can underwrite and close a transaction in under two weeks with no appraisals (we physically do a property inspection to determine value). For more information please call 303..459.6061 to discuss a loan scenario or visit us at www.cohardmoney.com to fill out our 2 minute no obligation loan scenario submission form

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Phone: 303-578-3476
Email: Info@FairviewLending.com