Start the New Year off right by helping your clients close more loans. Fairview already has already closed four loans in January throughout Colorado. As all of you know, bank lending still remains tight with increased underwriting requirements. Fortunately Fairview has created a product to help borrowers that fall out of conventional lending parameters. We are still only lending our own money and are able to fund transactions that are outside of conventional lending. This can happen due to the borrower’s credit, speed of loan closing, or many other reasons. Below are some of the more out of the box deals we have closed (more details on our programs can be found at ):
1. Cash out refinance on an investment property near Red Feather Lakes, borrower owned property free and clear, primary value was in the land value, needed cash to take care of other business ventures
2. Refinance on an investment house in Denver: Borrower had bought property as an investment, had terrible credit (<550) and needed cash to purchase another investment property 3. Cash out refinance on warehouse in Denver: borrower paid cash for the property and needed money for working capital; property operated by business. Borrower also self employed. These are just a few of the hundreds of transactions we have funded. We do not charge any upfront fees and only lend our own money. When you contact me, I will always provide and honest answer quickly. We are experts in lending in both Denver and throughout Colorado. Below are two articles that I found insightful regarding the residential and commercial markets in Denver 1. The new Dodd-Frank financial overhaul law is poised to take effect. How will 30% down payment requirements impact your business?
• The new law requires banks to hold a “risk” piece for each loan of approximately 5%. Currently banks can sell 100% of loans that meet the government requirements (Fannie/Freddie requirements) without retaining a risk piece. There is a proposal by Well’s Fargo to increase the down payment from 20-30% to allow banks to not hold a risk piece of a transaction. Increasing the down payment would likely be adopted by others in the industry and become commonplace just as the 20% down payment is today. This new requirement would drastically reduce the liquidity in the market and the purchasing power of borrowers. The full article can be found at .
2. Foreclosures in Colorado Mountains scaling record heights. Even though the Denver metro market has stabilized in my opinion. The mountains are not only filling up with snow, but foreclosures.
• It is interesting that the mountains seem to be lagging the rest of the state in their recovery. I’ve thought for a long time that there was considerable decreases left in many mountain towns. Many folks who have been able to hold on in hopes the economy would rebound have fallen victims to the new economic reality that wages are going to stay depressed for a while and the economic recovery will be a very wide U shape as opposed to a v-shape as previously anticipated. Full article at:

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