New Bill that radically alters rentals in Colorado and implements statewide rent control

New Bill that radically alters rentals in Colorado and implements statewide rent control

Every time I look at the docket of new bills in the Colorado Legislature I am amazed.  This new bill will radically alter rental contracts in Colorado and changes the real estate market profoundly. The proposed bill not only impacts property owners but also lenders....
New nightly rental regulations in Breckenridge that the industry supports

New nightly rental regulations in Breckenridge that the industry supports

Nightly rental regulations and enforcement continue to be a leading topic for legislation in every Colorado ski town.  A newer ordinance in Summit county (Breckenridge) continues this trend but ironically is supported by most in the industry.  What is in the new...
Closing volumes plummet in Denver, did they really?

Closing volumes plummet in Denver, did they really?

  I’ve heard from every realtor that 2024 was a tough year in Colorado, interest rates were high and closing volumes plummeted, look at the chart above of Denver it tells a much different story, but is that the whole story.  Are volumes actually down regardless...
Condo death spiral in Denver: are ski condos next?

Condo death spiral in Denver: are ski condos next?

    Condos were once the hottest real estate in Denver and throughout the front range and now suddenly the tides have turned.  Days on the market has almost doubled, prices are down, and sellers are now in a panic to dump properties.  Is now a good time to...
Argentina figured out affordable housing, can Colorado?

Argentina figured out affordable housing, can Colorado?

It is crazy that in Colorado we should be looking at a third world country on how to solve our affordable housing crisis. Is Colorado making the same mistakes as Argentina made in the past? What did Argentina learn that drastically lowered rental prices and increased...