Is the I buyer taking over Denver real estate

Is the I buyer taking over Denver real estate

Denver Colorado is becoming the testing ground for the new Ibuyer frenzy with new players entering every day.  Is the ibuyer program just hype or will it actually “radically alter” how real estate is bought and sold in Denver and the front range? What is the ibuyer...
Sales down 14% Inventory surges 28% in Denver in June Mortgage rates drop.

Sales down 14% Inventory surges 28% in Denver in June Mortgage rates drop.

The Denver metro real estate market has performed a sudden U-turn with inventory up 28%, sold homes down 14%, and days on the market up 23%.    This is the highest amount of inventory since October 2013.  At the same time prices have held steady while mortgage rates...
Is Denver headed for a correction? How does this impact real estate throughout Colorado

Is Denver headed for a correction? How does this impact real estate throughout Colorado

“The U.S. economy will run strong for two more quarters before peaking this summer and sliding into a mild recession early next year”, predicted economist Alan Beaulieu, a specialist in long-term economic cycles. Fortunately, Colorado should hold up better than most...