60 percent more realtors, what does this mean for Colorado real estate prices?

60 percent more realtors, what does this mean for Colorado real estate prices?

The top job-related search between January 2021 and January 2022 was “how to become a real estate agent.” More than 60% more people became realtors during the pandemic.   What is this statistic telling us about future real estate prices in Colorado? What was in the...
2022 Colorado real estate predictions, mid-year update; the party continues in some markets

2022 Colorado real estate predictions, mid-year update; the party continues in some markets

Allot has changed in the last six months.  Interest rates have skyrocketed, appreciation has continued, and inflation continues to roar.  How does this impact my prior Colorado real estate predictions?  Where does Colorado real estate go in 2022?  Will the staggering...