Colorado Hard Money Blog

Corona coming for your real estate

No, this is not the beginning of a bar joke and no you do not need to drink before answering!  Both Corona and Coca-Cola will drastically alter commercial real estate throughout Colorado.  Constellation brands (owner of Corona and various other spirits) announced a...

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New real estate war brewing in Colorado front range

New real estate war brewing in Colorado front range

Is Colorado turning into California where residents lament about affordable prices and yet seek to place broad restrictions on growth that would increase supply.  In Jefferson County, the city of Morrison is opening a new war in the “real estate battles”.   How does...

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Is Colorado closing for business, one county is!

Is Colorado closing for business, one county is!

Anyone who has sat on i70 or i25 knows the growth pains occurring in Colorado first hand.  Colorado’s population continues to rapidly increase and housing / commercial real estate is becoming more constrained throughout the front range.  This huge population increase...

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4 Colorado Real Estate Markets to watch

4 Colorado Real Estate Markets to watch

As we all know Colorado is growing rapidly.  What areas in the State still  provide the best values with the rapid appreciation most areas have seen the last 5 years?  What sets these 4 markets apart from others? With many real estate markets throughout CO hitting...

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