Colorado radically alters rental property regulations? 3 steps every rental property owner must take

Colorado radically alters rental property regulations? 3 steps every rental property owner must take

There Is a new bill, Residential health and safety act, that will drastically alter rental properties both single family and multifamily properties.  Are you ready?  The bill’s title sounds innocuous, but the true intent of the bill is lurking in the details and will...
Amazon ditches NY for HQ2, Colorado will be a big winner

Amazon ditches NY for HQ2, Colorado will be a big winner

NY provides 3 billion in incentives to land Amazon.  Colorado offered 100 million.  Amazon selected NY only to break up with them this week and ditch their expansion plans.  Colorado will be a big winner of this recent breakup.  Sounds like the recent Bezos love...
Aspen down 27%, listings in Hamptons up 82%, what does this mean for real estate?

Aspen down 27%, listings in Hamptons up 82%, what does this mean for real estate?

  The Hamptons have increased inventory by 82%  to the highest level in 12 years.  At the same time sales fell 35% last quarter to their lowest since 2009 (Bloomberg).  In Aspen, another ultra-high-end market, sales are down 27% on single family homes from 1.2B...
New Colorado initiative that could destroy Colorado real estate

New Colorado initiative that could destroy Colorado real estate

There is a new initiative in town to drastically limit growth in one metro Denver City.  Lakewood just won major litigation that had derailed a “growth initiative”  that limits new residential development to 1% of the existing housing stock.  Why is this important? ...