Breckenridge/Summit county falls 18%, Vail up 47%, Why? 3 seasons for the sudden cooldown

Breckenridge/Summit county falls 18%, Vail up 47%, Why? 3 seasons for the sudden cooldown

According to the Summit County association of realtors sales in July are down 18.3% in July and 15% for the year to date while Vail was up 47% in July and down about 4% for the year.  The decline is being attributed to a “lack of inventory”.  Is there more going on...
Sales tax revenue doubles in Breckenridge, up 50% throughout Colorado, What’s next in mountain real estate?

Sales tax revenue doubles in Breckenridge, up 50% throughout Colorado, What’s next in mountain real estate?

  Breckenridge, Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park, and Telluride  have all achieved record sales tax revenue this season.  You aren’t imagining it, the mountains are getting busy!  What is driving these all-time records? How does this impact real estate? Will...
2018/19 epic snow and revenue for ski towns, one number paints a different picture

2018/19 epic snow and revenue for ski towns, one number paints a different picture

The 2018/19 season was Epic (or Ikonic depending on your pass preference) with every major resort posting record sales tax revenue, occupancy, and lodging rates.  At the same time real estate continued to skyrocket in most mountain communities.  With all this good...

The light is not flashing Green; what is going on with Cannabis real estate?

Denver “legalizes” mushrooms,  more communities become open to Cannabis, corporate America comes knocking, Cannabis real estate quickly goes from green to red.  What is going on?  Why the shift in cannabis real estates fortunes?  What specific property types will be...