66% of homes underinsured, this number is likely higher in CO, Why?  What should you do?

66% of homes underinsured, this number is likely higher in CO, Why?  What should you do?

About two out of every three homes in America are underinsured. The average underinsurance amount is about 22%, though some homes are underinsured by 60% or more. We saw this firsthand with the Marshall fire and pretty much every natural disaster in Colorado. ...
Cars, tents, vessels now considered homesteads; big impacts on real estate and property owners

Cars, tents, vessels now considered homesteads; big impacts on real estate and property owners

Thanks to one of our readers, Randy, for bringing the recent homestead exemption legislation to my attention as the changes are profound and yet there has been zero media coverage.  The Colorado legislature has just passed a new bill radically changing the meaning of...
Rent Control coming to Colorado: Mobile home parks legislated out of business

Rent Control coming to Colorado: Mobile home parks legislated out of business

With rent prices skyrocketing not just in the Denver metropolitan area but throughout Colorado, rent control is back in the legislature with big changes for property owners, prospective purchasers, and tenants.  The current focus is on mobile home parks with sweeping...
Housing top priority for Colorado legislature, tax nightly rentals as commercial

Housing top priority for Colorado legislature, tax nightly rentals as commercial

Housing affordability top priority for Colorado legislature,  will they tax nightly rentals as commercial properties? “My No. 1 priority this session is to bring down the cost of living in Colorado,” House Speaker Alec Garnett, a Denver Democrat, said in his opening...
Freedom to Wade, huge changes to CO private property	rights

Freedom to Wade, huge changes to CO private property rights

Colorado has always been a bit unique on who can access rivers and where.  There is a recent case ruling that drastically upends the status quo and could radically alter private property rights. If you own a property or have a lease on a property that has live...
My property taxes went up 20% and yours went up the same or more

My property taxes went up 20% and yours went up the same or more

  Welcome to tax time in Colorado.  Property tax bills are being mailed out and you are sure to be in for a shock.  I just looked at my bill and my tax bill went up 20% from last year!  I’ve seen throughout the front range and various mountain...