Breckenridge, Vail, Steamboat get much higher interest rates & locals hit hardest

Breckenridge, Vail, Steamboat get much higher interest rates & locals hit hardest

With interest rates hitting historic lows, why will property owners in Colorado ski towns from Steamboat to Telluride  get much higher interest rates than Denver?  (Do you know where I took this pic?)  Why will locals in the resort communities get hit hardest?  What...
2021 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions: Who will win & Lose?

2021 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions: Who will win & Lose?

Happy New Year! It is time for my annual Colorado real estate predictions. How did I do last year?  I did really good especially with the uncertainty of the virus! (see below) 2021 is shaping up to be pretty exciting from a real estate perspective!  The main economic...
Colorado Ski towns gentrified years ago impact on real estate

Colorado Ski towns gentrified years ago impact on real estate

  I wrote a few weeks back about how Denver Colorado is the second fastest “gentrifying” area in the country just behind San Francisco.  Nobody has really talked about it but “gentrification” is happening (already happened in most ski towns) at an even faster...
Walmart, Costco, Whole foods; which skier are you?  How does this impact real estate?

Walmart, Costco, Whole foods; which skier are you?  How does this impact real estate?

  The ski industry has been on a wild ride since the resorts were shut down last March.  Mountain real estate has been on a tear and summer visitation has been off the charts.  What does this mean for the upcoming ski season?  How are the resorts adapting due to the...
Aspen hits a peak? Will the bubble burst?  Which ski town is most at risk?

Aspen hits a peak? Will the bubble burst?  Which ski town is most at risk?

The data is staggering in three months from June through August, the median home price in Aspen for a single family home doubled, with the average sales price north of 7 million.  Has Aspen hit a peak?  How do the other Colorado ski towns compare?  Are we at risk of a...
Walmart, Costco, Whole foods; which skier are you?  How does this impact real estate?

One Colorado ski town making drastic changes on nightly rentals

  Aspen is leading the way in regulating short term rentals.  The five-member board unanimously approved a policy resolution that would allow amending the municipal land-use code to require vacation rental properties to acquire a business license.  On the surface...