New tax plan in Congress will hit Colorado real estate hard.

New tax plan in Congress will hit Colorado real estate hard.

Colorado real estate is on a tear, with appreciation off the charts.  In Denver appreciation is up 25% year over year.  Unfortunately, all this appreciation could cause some large tax hits based on the new legislation.  How will the new legislation...

Frisco, CO considers declaring state of “emergency”; it is not for what you would expect.

City officials in mountain communities are worried rising home prices are pricing the workforce out of the market. “We’re really at risk of creating the modern era-ghost town in our mountain towns, where the lights are on and no one has a home to live in,” Hunter...
2021 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions: Who will win & Lose?

2021 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions: Who will win & Lose?

Happy New Year! It is time for my annual Colorado real estate predictions. How did I do last year?  I did really good especially with the uncertainty of the virus! (see below) 2021 is shaping up to be pretty exciting from a real estate perspective!  The main economic...
All Colorado resorts close, Breckenridge & Telluride turn off the lights; Real Estate?

All Colorado resorts close, Breckenridge & Telluride turn off the lights; Real Estate?

  First, I hope each of you and your family are doing well in these challenging times.  Above is a pic of my new office, I’m doing my part to be socially distant 😊 (do you know which mountain this is at?)   The coronavirus is rapidly impacting the...