Freedom to Wade, huge changes to CO private property	rights

Freedom to Wade, huge changes to CO private property rights

Colorado has always been a bit unique on who can access rivers and where.  There is a recent case ruling that drastically upends the status quo and could radically alter private property rights. If you own a property or have a lease on a property that has live...
How “risky” is Denver real estate? How does Denver rank compared to the top 575 counties in the US?

How “risky” is Denver real estate? How does Denver rank compared to the top 575 counties in the US?

 ATTOM, curator of the nation’s premier property database, today released its fourth-quarter 2021 Special Coronavirus Report spotlighting county-level housing markets around the United States that are more or less vulnerable to damage from the ongoing Coronavirus...
Denver affordable housing, linkage fees on all construction, affordable housing eliminated

Denver affordable housing, linkage fees on all construction, affordable housing eliminated

Denver just released an “affordable housing program” with new requirements for low-income housing.  Multifamily will have large requirements for low-income housing that will drastically alter the type and number of units constructed.  Furthermore, all property owners...
What will cause Colorado ski real estate prices to fall

What will cause Colorado ski real estate prices to fall

If you’ve been reading the news, it seems to be everywhere, complaints against vail resorts are plastered all over the media.  With Vail the largest owner of resorts in Colorado and the United States will this derail the real estate party in ski towns or is there...
My property taxes went up 20% and yours went up the same or more

My property taxes went up 20% and yours went up the same or more

  Welcome to tax time in Colorado.  Property tax bills are being mailed out and you are sure to be in for a shock.  I just looked at my bill and my tax bill went up 20% from last year!  I’ve seen throughout the front range and various mountain...
Big changes coming to Colorado landlord tenant laws; tenants in the drivers seat; costs skyrocket, are you ready? 

Big changes coming to Colorado landlord tenant laws; tenants in the drivers seat; costs skyrocket, are you ready? 

There are two big laws coming into effect 1/1/2021 that will drastically alter Colorado’s Landlord tenant laws.  HB21.1121 and SB21.173.  Each have large changes in what a landlord can or cannot do and defenses a tenant can easily make to not pay rent.  Are you ready...