Cannabis quickly coming off its high; the green rush turning red; impact on real estate

Cannabis was the new goldmine for many years.  I always am entertained by the chart above form a few years ago showing the sales of marijuana/resident.  Unfortunately, the high does not last and is turning more into a hangover as marijuana becomes more mainstream with...
Marijuana banking off the table: impact on real estate

Marijuana banking off the table: impact on real estate

Facing a tough midterm election and divisions in Congress, the Biden administration is sidestepping the politically sensitive issue of loosening marijuana laws even as the idea has gained support of most Americans.  With no movement at the Federal level, what does...
Marijuana legalization reason 27% of realtors cite decrease in values

Marijuana legalization reason 27% of realtors cite decrease in values

The National Association of Realtors released their  “marijuana and real estate- a budding issue”  research paper that found that 27%  of realtors had seen a decrease in property values near dispensaries, while 12% has seen an increase in values.  What does this mean...
Loveland ski worker’s widow penalized for man’s legal marijuana use; Real estate impact?

Loveland ski worker’s widow penalized for man’s legal marijuana use; Real estate impact?

If you don’t recall, last year a worker at Loveland ski resort was crushed to death while servicing a magic carpet. Osha reviewed and fined Loveland for violating various safety violations.  There is one twist in the case that could set some interesting precedent and...