What Colorado ski town is outperforming others : Which Colorado ski town is the best investment?

What Colorado ski town is outperforming others : Which Colorado ski town is the best investment?

As I predicted, we are starting to see some big changes in Colorado ski real estate.  Even as prices in many markets throughout the country are staying flat, some Colorado ski real estate is still increasing while others are starting to correct.  What is...
Which Colorado ski town is best investment: I rank each one

Which Colorado ski town is best investment: I rank each one

I’m constantly asked: “what is the best place to buy ski real estate in Colorado”.  What are the key drivers of “value” for ski real estate?  I think most people would agree that we are somewhere near a peak in real estate for this cycle, so it is important to answer...
Will new Fannie/Freddie rules put the brakes on Colorado ski real estate?

Will new Fannie/Freddie rules put the brakes on Colorado ski real estate?

Do residential rental properties with one to four units and second-home mortgages carry more risk? Apparently so says the U.S. Treasury Department.  Such loans underwritten by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will end up costing you more under restrictions quietly announced...
Ikon beats Epic for top spots CO has 5 of 10 top ski resorts impact on real estate

Ikon beats Epic for top spots CO has 5 of 10 top ski resorts impact on real estate

Do you know where I took the picture above? (e-mail me if you know, the mountains should provide a hint :).  Ski magazine came out with their annual list of top ski destinations.  Colorado took the crown with 5 of the top 10 ski destinations which accounted for almost...