Rent Control through the backdoor in Colorado passed the house

Rent Control through the backdoor in Colorado passed the house

Every time I turn around there is yet another proposal to implement rent control.  The newest house bill concerning requiring just cause for an eviction recently passed its first hearing.  On the surface it sounds harmless, but the details are the most...

New affordable housing rule, government has first right of refusal on properties

  There is yet another proposal in the statehouse on affordable housing.  This new bill would allow governments the first right of refusal on basically any multifamily property.  On the surface, the new proposal sounds innocuous, but the devil is always...
Aspen adopts some of the strictest building codes in state, impact on real estate   

Aspen adopts some of the strictest building codes in state, impact on real estate   

A local HVAC contractor said of the new code “This is like a really obese person drinking a 12-pack of Diet Coke and feeling good about themselves.”  What is in Aspen’s new building code proposal?  What impact will this have on new construction, property values, and...
Colorado’s wildfire risk is so high some homeowners can’t get insured. The state may create last-resort coverage.

Colorado’s wildfire risk is so high some homeowners can’t get insured. The state may create last-resort coverage.

State lawmakers are preparing to introduce a bill in the legislature that would create a state sponsored governmental program offering basic home insurance to the growing number of Colorado homeowners who say they can’t get coverage from private companies because the...
Buying and selling in Colorado ski towns: a cautionary tale from steamboat values plunge, 4 ways to quickly lose money in ski real estate

Buying and selling in Colorado ski towns: a cautionary tale from steamboat values plunge, 4 ways to quickly lose money in ski real estate

There is a condo complex in Steamboat where units have precipitously dropped in value while owners cannot sell, refinance, or in many cases use the units.  The units themselves are fine, but there is one huge problem.  What happened in Steamboat?  Why is this a...
2023 Colorado real estate predictions, will the party continue one more year?

2023 Colorado real estate predictions, will the party continue one more year?

Wow, 2022 has been quite the year in real estate.  In Denver, the average home  price peaked at $913,000, a whopping 52% increase from 2019. In Summit County (home to Breckenridge, Keystone, etc..) the average home is 1.2m up 116% since the pandemic. Even with higher...