by Glen Weinberg | Jul 31, 2020 | Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Living, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Realtor, Denver Hard Money, Denver hard money Lenders, Denver Private Lenders, Denver Private Lending, Denver real estate values, General Colorado Information, Uncategorized
Denver Colorado is the second fastest “gentrifying” area in the country just behind San Francisco. Furthermore, Denver beat out Boston, Miami, New Orleans, Austin, and countless others due to the rapid gentrification of the downtown core. What is Gentrification? How...
by Glen Weinberg | Jun 5, 2020 | Breckenridge, Breckenridge real estate, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Living, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate market trends
Colorado has become the “festival capital” using events to draw an increasingly larger number of visitors from the wine festival to arts festivals to music festivals to car festivals, etc… every weekend was a festival in Denver and mountain resort communities. With...
by Glen Weinberg | May 21, 2020 | Aspen hard money, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Living, Colorado Private Lending, Ski lending/ investing, Steamboat hard money, Vail Hard Money, Vail real estate values
2020 is shaping up to be an interesting year in the ski industry. The ski industry was abruptly cut short in April with Vail resorts losing 200m and Alterra getting sued for closing early. What does this mean for ski real estate? Where should you invest now based on...
by Glen Weinberg | May 14, 2020 | CO hard money, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Living, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Realtor, Colorado Ski real estate, Condo Lending
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to share a bit of irony. The “call before your dig” line in Colorado was recently out of operation as someone ironically didn’t call before they dug and hit all the lines going into the operation center. On...
by Glen Weinberg | May 7, 2020 | CO hard money, Colorado Commercial Property Valuation, Colorado commercial real estate, Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Living, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Denver Hard Money
Wow, what a crazy time we are in. Less than a month ago, I was at Copper Mountain when the Governor announced the closure of all ski resorts. Shortly thereafter, kids were running around the house with schools closed and most businesses were shuttered or working...
by Glen Weinberg | Apr 16, 2020 | Colorado Hard Money, Colorado Private Lending, Colorado real estate market trends, Colorado Real Estate values, Colorado Ski real estate, Colorado Ski towns
Gunnison county, home to Crested Butte ski resort, issued an order banning non resident visitors and homeowners from remaining in the county during the pandemic. This is the first city in Colorado and possibly the country to ban property owners. Furthermore, Clear...