Denver real estate will fall 9%, what does this mean for other Colorado real estate?

Denver real estate will fall 9%, what does this mean for other Colorado real estate?

Core Logic, the leading data provider in the real estate industry, recently predicted that Denver home prices will tumble by 9% by May of 2021 placing it in the top three of most overvalued real estate markets.  How realistic is this prediction? Is there a flaw in the...
Ready for a 60% increase in Colorado property taxes?

Ready for a 60% increase in Colorado property taxes?

I saw a headline that property taxes would decrease 18%, I was skeptical to say the least and you should be too. Colorado is unique in how property taxes are calculated requiring a balance between commercial and residential property taxes, with commercial values...
Colorado real estate blows away all predictions: will the party continue

Colorado real estate blows away all predictions: will the party continue

When the Coronavirus first hit, my predictions were for a flat to slightly declining market.  Wow, I missed that one!  The Denver metro area and all the resort towns have set records with appreciation skyrocketing.  What does this mean for real estate the remainder of...
Denver real estate will fall 9%, what does this mean for other Colorado real estate?

Denver a top “gentrifying” city in the US

Denver Colorado is the second fastest “gentrifying” area in the country just behind San Francisco.  Furthermore, Denver beat out Boston, Miami, New Orleans, Austin, and countless others due to the rapid gentrification of the downtown core.  What is Gentrification? How...
Coronavirus delivers 18% residential property tax cut in Colorado; Really?

Coronavirus delivers 18% residential property tax cut in Colorado; Really?

    Like many of you I was excited to finally hear my property taxes were going down as this never happens! Colorado is unique in how property taxes are calculated requiring a balance between commercial and residential property taxes, with commercial values...