New affordable housing rule, government has first right of refusal on properties

  There is yet another proposal in the statehouse on affordable housing.  This new bill would allow governments the first right of refusal on basically any multifamily property.  On the surface, the new proposal sounds innocuous, but the devil is always...
Colorado property values soften.  Ready for a 51% jump in your property taxes

Colorado property values soften.  Ready for a 51% jump in your property taxes

Get ready for sticker shock as this year is a reassessment year.  As values soften throughout the state, will your property taxes finally go down?  Unfortunately the short answer is just the opposite, look for your taxes to jump an astronomical amount. ...
Will the golden handcuffs of low rates save Denver real estate in this cycle?  November paints an interesting picture of what the future holds.

Will the golden handcuffs of low rates save Denver real estate in this cycle?  November paints an interesting picture of what the future holds.

The prevailing theory is that this real estate cycle will be considerably better than others as so many people locked in rock bottom rates which will serve as “golden handcuffs” and prevent a meaningful increase in inventory.  This in turn will keep prices high...
Denver Long term rental licenses go into effect Jan 23; Costs and requirements skyrocket; affordable housing reduced

Denver Long term rental licenses go into effect Jan 23; Costs and requirements skyrocket; affordable housing reduced

Denver is making waves again with the passage of a new law that requires all long-term rental properties to meet “min housing requirements”.  This new law goes into effect on January 1 2023.  On the surface the new law sounds innocuous, but the reality is...
Denver values up 13%, Summit up 23% for the year, the chart should scare you!

Denver values up 13%, Summit up 23% for the year, the chart should scare you!

The Summit Daily recently posted an article that Fall is a great time to hike a 14er.   I took the pic below of a 13k foot peak the same week the article came out.  Probably not a good time to attempt a peak ascent in the snow. The article on 14ers is eerily similar...
58% of sellers in Denver drop prices; inventory rises 94%; what does this mean for Colorado real estate values?

58% of sellers in Denver drop prices; inventory rises 94%; what does this mean for Colorado real estate values?

  Don’t be surprised by the recent numbers.  I mentioned months ago that many Canadian markets changed on a dime and the same would happen in major US cities.  A recent Redfin report showed that Denver ranked second behind Boise in price drops amongst 97 cities. ...