Colorado Hard Money Blog

2019 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions

2019 Colorado Real Estate Market predictions

  With the dawn of 2019 it is time for my annual Colorado real estate predictions. How did I do last year?  I hit the nail on the head! (see below) 2019 is shaping up to be considerably more exciting than 2018!  The main economic drivers in 2019 will be the pace...

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Beer in Grocery stores Jan 1, impact on you and real estate, 60% go under

Beer in Grocery stores Jan 1, impact on you and real estate, 60% go under

Colorado is an odd state, you are unable to buy full strength beer in grocery stores. In almost every other state, you can walk into a grocery store and buy wine/beer, but not in Colorado. That is all changing come January 1st. Why the change? What is the impact on real estate? I was surprised to see the passing of Senate Bill 243 in the waning days of the last legislative session. It seemed oddly out of place that Governor Hickenlooper, a former brewpub owner, quietly signed the bill without a single person to witness the event. What was in this bill? This bill radically changes where and how beer can be sold within Colorado. This bill will change consumer choices and have profound impacts on grocery anchored retail. Why is it so monumental?

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