Agricultural exemptions in Colorado: how to solve the problem

There has been a recent uproar regarding agricultural exemptions. Should a developer who is unable to develop their platted subdivision be eligible for a agricultural tax exemption? A number of recent articles in the Denver Post have discussed this issue (Link to...

Property values decline accross the country: How did Denver fare

According to a recent release of the S&P / Case Shiller index, property values across the country have continued to decline. Denver declined less than many of the other markets (~.57% decline)… full article at This is good news for the...

Colorado Unemployment hits 8.8%

Fairview Lending is a private Colorado lender. We actively watch the Colorado market to pick up trends impacting the real estate markets throughout the state. The Denver Post had an interesting article: on the Colorado...

Another bank in Colorado bites the dust

Another bank in Colorado: United Western just got shut down by the FDIC. Full article in the Denver post at: I think the banking crisis will continue as prices on real estate fail to rebound nearly as fast as everyone...