Colorado Hard Money Blog

Denver will vote to ban one business in the city

Denver will vote to ban one business in the city

On the November ballot a special interest group just got approval for an initiative that targets one particular business that has been operating legally in Denver for over 70 years and has an economic impact of 382 million a year and employees over 600 people. ...

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Biggest mistake for property owners in wildfires

Biggest mistake for property owners in wildfires

With three wildfires burning in the front range as I write this and thousands evacuated, it is crucial to know the number one mistake that is made in a wildfire disaster. Do you know what the significance of the picture of the government facility above?  Being a...

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New Colorado Bill Shakes Up Local Land Use Rules

New Colorado Bill Shakes Up Local Land Use Rules

After stunning defeats last year, the Colorado governor and legislature have broken apart the large bill into smaller parts that have each passed.  Two new land use bills passed that take away local government control and hand it to the state of Colorado.     The new...

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