Colorado Hard Money Blog

Colorado has highest debt per person of any state

Colorado has highest debt per person of any state

What does Colorado’s debt load mean for real estate prices? I was surprised to see Colorado exceed every other state in the country on both the amount of debt and debt as a percentage of income.  Why do Coloradoans have more debt than others?  Why is debt an important...

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Property tax bomb awaiting Denver  

Property tax bomb awaiting Denver  

  Denver office vacancy exceeds 30% for first time since 1990’s In 2019 office vacancy stood around 16%, lower than the national average.  Fast forward and Denver office vacancy has almost doubled to over 30%.  Why is the vacancy rate so important to Denver...

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Copper and Keystone outperform Breckenridge, why?

Copper and Keystone outperform Breckenridge, why?

Over the last several years both Keystone and Copper Mountain have appreciated at almost double the rate of Breckenridge.  Why the sudden change in fate for Copper Mountain and Keystone?  What big changes occurred in governmental regulations to cause the surge in...

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